Widening Participation in Health and Care Award Winner

Simon Haworth (Cheshire)
Lane End Construction Developments LTD

This community champion invests much time and energy in coaching and mentoring children and young people from across the North West. He inspires them to follow their dreams and to believe in themselves because he believes in them. He is a veteran, and an accomplished boxer, who openly admits that he initially, struggled to settle in to civvy street, ‘knowing nothing but how to use his fists’. At his lowest point he had no friends, no money or home.

Simon is no angel. However he is a man who has learnt how to say sorry and to recognise his own shortcomings. He has also found a powerful way to make amends for past wrongs, firmly believing life’s mistakes can always provide the opportunity for new lessons learnt. His learning transition can only be characterised as transformative as he has clearly left behind a ‘once angry man’ whose life lacked purpose or direction to become someone who can freely and openly give of himself. Needless to say his early journey quickly spiralled out of control ending in a prison sentence but he turned his life around and developed a new found sense of direction by putting something back. He turned a very big corner and his ambition is to help others to do the same. He has a very clear message, ’There is always hope, apply yourself to your chosen field, learn from every experience, never give up and you too can change your lives for the better.’

Nominated by Kathryn Harrison

Widening Participation in Health Care Runner Up

Caroline Ingram – Countess of Chester Foundation Trust, Chester