The Runneymede Response to the Sewell Report

The Sewell Report is a government commissioned publication exploring ‘Race and Ethnic Disparities in the UK’ which was released last week. In summary, it concludes that ‘insitutional racism’ is not prevalent in the UK; the report’s findings and argument have attracted strong criticism from across the country, from academics, journalists and indiviudals alike.

Runnymede, who operate as the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank, have advocated a particularly strong stance against the findings of the Sewell Report. They give several examples of why the findings in the report are not representative of the lived experience of many BME communities. Furthermore, they berate the reports highlighted issues, (such as exploration of the the acronym ‘BAME’ as problematic), and suggest that this also negates BME communities reality.

Runnymede explore the report in the following video:

The Runnymede written response can be found here.